Able Trailmen
Able Trailman
The Able Trailman is truly an able man. He knows how to hike safely and comfortably and handle a lot of situations that might come up. These skills are the foundation for the next ranks. This rank concentrates on being comfortable in the outdoors. The Able Trailman learns a number of things that a Trailman is expected to know about nature, America, and leadership.
Earns the Recruit Trailman Rank
Trail Badge Work:
Complete any FOUR of the NINE Trail Badges required for the Ready Trailman rank (Aquatics, Camping, Fire ranger, First Aid, Our Flag, Outdoor Cooking, Ropework, Trail Skills, and Woods tools).
Earn an additional three Trail Badges of your choice. (Note: the Horizon required trail Badges cannot be earned in the Navigators program)
Servant Service:
Complete 15 hours of service for each year since joining Navigators. Record your hours on the service chart in your handbook and have them verified by an adult.
Troop Involvement:
Maintain a level of Troop meeting attendance acceptable to your Trailmaster (typically 60% or better).
Participate in at least 8 Troop activities since becoming a Navigator, not including regular meetings. Record each activity on the activity chart in your handbook (trips, camp, community outings, etc.) and have each one verified by an adult.
Marks His Progress:
Successfully complete an Advancement Conference with your Trailmaster or Trail Guide.
Successfully complete a Board of Review.